Introduction to Phonology
These are the lecture slides and handouts from the undergraduate Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology course I taught at USC in Spring 2022 (LING 301). I've taught similar classes more recently at UCLA, based on Kie Zuraw's "skills-based" model. Email me if you're interested in discussing those materials.
Syllabus Course syllabus (revised)
Unit 1: Assimilation in rule-based phonology
Class-2 Alternations
Class-3 Assimilation 1: Consonant features
Class-5 Assimilation 2: Natural classes
Class-6 Distributions
Class-7 Vowel Features
Class-8 Assimilation 3: Feature geometry
Class-9 Assimilation 4: Autosegmental phonology
Unit 2: Syllable structure and Optimality Theory
Class-15 Deletion
Class-16 Syllables 1
Class-17 Syllables 2
Class-18 Syllables and OT
Class-19 Syllables and faithfulness
Class-20 Syllabic Consonants
Class-22 Processes in OT
Class-23 Distributions in OT
Unit 3: Stress in OT